Friday 23 December 2011

REVIEW: Before I Fall

Title: Before I Fall
Author: Lauren Oliver
Pages: 480
Publisher: HarperTeen
Genre: Paranormal

Samantha Kingston is part of the popular clique in her Connecticut high school. She has a the best friends, the perfect boyfriend, and first choice of the best parking spot and cafeteria table. February 12th begins like any other day, although it ends with her death. Suddenly Sam is sent spiralling back to re-live that one day seven times. Each time, another layer of the onion is pealed off, and it becomes clearer why she died.

I read Delirium last year and absolutely loved it, but I was hesitant to read Before I Fall because of bad reviews. I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed Sam's story.
At first, Sam is a very mean person, but throughout her journey, she changes a lot. She grows to a better understanding of why certain things in her and her friends life happened, and how it all affects this day.
I especially liked how each of Lauren Oliver's characters each have their own story, motives and feelings, and aren't empty shells used to fill space.

I give Before I Fall 4.5 out of 5, for it's memorable plot and characters.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

REVIEW: The Season

Left to Right: Ella, Vivi, & Alex.
Title: The Season
Author: Sarah MacLean
Pages: 352
Publisher: Scholastic
Genre: Historical

The Season takes place in London, England in the XIXth century. 17-year-old Lady Alexandra Stanfford (Referred to as Alex) is taking place in her first season. This is when young girl and men of the high society get together at balls and the such, in goal of finding a respectable spouse.
But Alex is strongly against marriage, but she finds herself lusting over her childhood friend, Gavin, the new Earl of Blackmoor. As she sorts through confusing emotions, she learns Gavin's father may have been murdered, and his killer could be coming after his heir.
Alex's friends, Ella and Vivi stand by her throughout the whole journey. Alex can always count on them to help her out, which makes me jealous. (but hey, I wish I could live in high society or have a huge country too.) Friendship is a pretty big theme in this book.
Another interesting thing are the period details, Sarah MacLean did a good job to blend them into the text, and still give a good taste of the 1810's.
The author also captured the pain and confusion of young love. Some books make love seem so easy and effortless, while this one is quite realistic.
Thirdly, Alex is strong character. She isn't afraid of confrontations, and she doesn't wait around for a boy to sweep her of her feet. If Alex wasn't this fierce, there would be absolutely no story.

I give The Season 4 out of 5.

REVIEW: Cold Kiss

My first review on here. So here we go.

Title: Cold Kiss
Author: Amy Garvey
Pages: 304
Publisher: HaperTeen
Genre: Paranormal

So this book follows, Wren, a girl whose boyfriend perished in car accident. Now, Wren's family has never been quite normal, for one, her mom can make weird things happen, and so can Wren and her sister. The thing is, Wren's mom refuses to talk to her about this magic, and pretends that it's non-existent.
So Wren, broken hearted and desperate, creates a spell and brings Danny back to life. There's only one problem, Danny isn't who he used to. He's a corpse, always cold, hence the name of the book. And since Danny can't exactly walk to his house and say, "Mom, I'm home!", Wren hides him in her over her neighbours garage. (In case you're wondering, the neighbour's an old widow who stays out of there.)
At first, Danny's happy just to see Wren every night. Then, he starts asking about his friends and family, and eventually, his death.
To make it all worse, since Danny and her school work are taking up all her time, Wren is losing touch with her life. She hasn't talked to her two best friends since her boyfriend died.
And, oh yeah, there's a new guy at school who's a lot like Wren.

Big conflict, eh?

Anyway, I though this book was pretty good. For one, the theme is pretty unique. I liked the writing style is really poetic and it's flowing. Here's the preview:

Doesn't that sound beautiful? 
Now, while there was a lot going on, I felt as if there was something missing, another thrill or plot twist, and the ending seemed too easy.

I'm giving Cold Kiss 3.5 out of 5.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

I LOVE Giveaways

Who doesn't?
Anywho, Mimi Valentine is giving away an ARC of Fever.
And let me tell you, I LOVED Wither. I'll probably review it first.
So it's over here:
And check the Epic Reads Facebook page, because they have these Grab Bags you can win.

I'm pretty much sharing this for extra entries. Please don't hate me.
Oh, and thanks for reading this post


So, I've had like five blogs so far, and let me tell you, they're all lost in the Internet collecting megapixel dust. I'm not going to lie when I say I suck at staying committed to things. Except books... and writing. That's the only things I've ALWAYS loved. So, yeah.
I'm planning to make this a review site, so I can get some ARCs and swag and stuff. And maybe get more people to read my stuff.
Other things about me:

  • I think inkpop is awesome.
  • I think Chevelle, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Rise Against, and Evanescence are awesome.
  • Pop and Rap drives me crazy. (One, most song meanings are stupid and shallow, I mean seriously, I don't care if you think you're sexy, and two, pop is too cheerful for my taste.)
  • I'm not Goth, or Emo. Sure, I like rock, and yeah, I where a lot of black, plus a lot of stuff I read/write is dark, but I don't have dyed black hair or heavy eyeliner, and I am not, repeat NOT suicidal.
  • I'm Canadian, but I don't live in an igloo. (People, please do a reality check if you seriously believe all that crap.) 
  • I have what my family calls "Creative Spelling", it's genetic. Please excuse any errors I haven't spotted. (Thank god for spellcheck) 
  • I'm Atheist. (but I say stuff like 'goddamn' and 'thank god'. Weird)
I would appreciate if anybody actually read this, and comment too.
Thanks for reading the whole post.